twenty-five things i love about my momma. <3
1. when i'm sad or down, she sings "you are my sunshine" to me. regardless of how old i am.
2. the way she fake laughs at the jokes i tell. she doesn't want me to feel bad, because i really think they are funny.
3. when i was younger, momma used to look at my finger nails to see if i was lying or not. she told me that if i had white spots (calcium deposits) on my nails, i wasn't telling the truth about something. haha. thanks to ms. coopersmith, i know the truth now. LET ME CHECK YOUR NAILS, MOMMA!
4. her laugh is contagious. and she laughs at pretty much anything. therefore, i laugh at pretty much anything. :D
5. she has one dimple on her face, and it is cute.
6. momma is so dedicated to her patients and co-workers down in the keys that she chooses to continue to drive there everyday, even though she could work at a local hospital.
7. i absolutely love her childhood stories. one of my favorites is when she chipped her own tooth and blamed it on her brother. CLASSIC. (sorry you had to go through that, uncle david.)
8. when i'm giddy, momma gets giddy, too. even though she's already in bed, getting ready to go to sleep.
9. she always gives me the best advice, even though i may think it won't work. she just knows.
10. i love sitting next to momma at church. worshiping Jesus while standing next to the woman He created me through; it's amazing. <3
11. the way she would get semi-violent with me when i had a loose tooth. i've been tackled to the floor at these twice in my life because of loose teeth.
12. road trips with her were and still are exciting. even if it's to the local grocery store. my favorite one in particular was our road trip to florida gulf coast university. almost getting on I-75 through a "do not enter" section. getting pulled over by the university police because she ran a stop sign. good times for sure.
13. her free spirit. it's not normal to start singing and dancing in the middle of publix. but she's done it before, and people may she her as a crazy lady, but to me, she's beautiful.
14. during my graduations, momma always reminded me of the first time i got on the school bus. and the story was always followed by tears. from the both of us.
15. she's a strong woman. very inspiring. i've seen a transformation in her life, and it's a wonderful thing.
16. she always has an open shoulder for me to either cry on, or rest my head.
17. her smile is beautiful; she doesn't only smile with her mouth, she smiles with her whole body. it's lovely.
18. momma has the best jokes. "big caca. no chief." favorite punchline. ;D
19. she has always encouraged me to pursue my passion.
20. she has a very distinct voice, and i can always single out her voice among the crowds.
21. she's just all-around a very happy person, and she shares that with the people who surround her on a daily basis.
22. momma loves animals. she ran over a squirrel once, came home, and was just so broken about it. :/ poor, momma.
23. bike rides with momma. she had this seat attached to her bike; i would sit in it and we would just ride. then we would go see and feed the ducks. life was grand.
24. when i was younger, i never understood why momma would cry during movies. i would always ask if she was okay. now, we cry together, and people don't get us. <3
25. momma is full of love. full of love for her family. full of love for her friends. and full of love for Jesus.

This was lovely. There is something special between a girl and her Momma.