funny story. i was meeting the bride and groom for the first time the day of the wedding. before the ceremony began, they were playing a slide show of their lives. there was this one picture of a young boy, probably around nine years old. i recognized the boy as someone who i went to elementary school with. i asked my aunt mary who the boy was, and it turned out to be the groom. when i met bryan the day of the wedding, i had no idea who he was; but i did recognize him as a boy i went to school with when they were playing the slide show. life is funny like that, i guess.

this is nicole's favorite. mine, too. :]

Wedding photography of course needs to be professional. These are the lovely collection of memories for lifetime. My favorite party till now is our common friend's wedding dinner last year. Astonished to see one of the wonderful Los Angeles venues decorated with matching lights and flowers.