Tuesday, December 29, 2009

wedding photography::nicole and bryan

this was the first wedding i've done. my aunt mary has always been impressed with the pictures i've taken, and decided it would be perfect if i shot at her friends, nicole's and bryan's wedding.

funny story. i was meeting the bride and groom for the first time the day of the wedding. before the ceremony began, they were playing a slide show of their lives. there was this one picture of a young boy, probably around nine years old. i recognized the boy as someone who i went to elementary school with. i asked my aunt mary who the boy was, and it turned out to be the groom. when i met bryan the day of the wedding, i had no idea who he was; but i did recognize him as a boy i went to school with when they were playing the slide show. life is funny like that, i guess.

this is nicole's favorite. mine, too. :]

Monday, December 28, 2009

children portraits::nina and sarah, sisters

this was a photo shoot i did with nina and sarah in november. just a little something we did for their darling momma. :]

i found this vintage camera in some old boxes tucked away in our closets. it was a fun prop to use in the shoot. the girls enjoyed it.

it's not typical to see leaves fall during autumn in florida. but we found these in our yard and figured they would give a nice autumny touch to the pictures.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

family portraits::the oliver family

yesterday, i had the opportunity to do a photo session with one of my co-workers and her family. they are a beautiful family and it was a complete delight photographing them. enjoy!

see? beautiful family.

the daughters were full and spunk. and on top of that, they're fans of achmed. how cool is that?

so darling. ♥

come aboard

i've hopped on the blogspot bandwagon. it's been a while since i've done some good blogging, and so much has changed during my blogless days.

i started doing photography about two years ago. it's an absolute passion of mine. it was nothing i studied for. i just decided one day to buy a nice camera and start taking decent-looking pictures. family and friends were pretty darn impressed with what i was capable of doing.

my first dslr camera was a canon rebel xti. i did some "testing it out" photos around the house and in our yard. i fell in the love with the quality if the images. they were beautiful. so, i put my point and shoot (canon powershot sd600) aside, and ventured on out with my xti to see was life had in store for us to capture. here is one of my many favorites:

meet marisol elizabeth. we call her mari. she was born on november 21, 2008. she is my niece and she is absolutely perfect.

there were so many people at the hospital to meet her the day she was born into this world. aah. she was so lovely. quiet. innocent. it felt so nice to see her go around the hospital room. there was that feeling of peace, joy, and all things wonderful. it was a splendid day. holding her in my arms for the first time was just spectacular. it's amazing how you know that a baby is being woven and spun in the womb for nine months and is eventually brought into this world by His timing. we understand the process. but it's more than just knowing and understanding the process that gives it more meaning. it's having a personal relationship with what God has created. it's extremely beautiful.

i love watching her grow day by day. it's already been a year and a month since she's been born. time has flown since the day she was born. she's walking. she's having what she thinks are conversations with us. she loves playing peek-a-boo. she'll find anything from a blanket to a magazine just to play. she's so bright. her laughs are contagious. she'll just start laughing, and you can't help but laugh with her. she's absolutely precious.

we all know the expression, "i love you from head to toe." it's so simple, but it says a lot. i'm a visual learner, so i see things as they are said. on that note, it's hard to have conversations with people who exaggerate, because i see what they say, and in reality, it just doesn't make sense. aside from that. back to the expression. babies are simply amazing. you just love everything about them. and that's how i feel about mari. you can't help but love everything about her. so, i decided it would be pretty creative to combine these pictures together to bring that expression to life; to show people what i see when i hear "i love you from head to toe."

showing friends and family this piece of work is such a delight. i love seeing the expressions on their faces when they see it. who knew something so simple could bring so much excitement?

since it's been a while since i've blogged, there is so much to be posted. i would like to go back and pick out some of my favorites, post them, and share the stories that go along with them.